Friday, November 21, 2008

We Will Keep Falling In Love

I know I've been a bit on the "militant homosexual" tip lately, but majorities of Americans - my neighbors and co-workers and family members - in state after state, continue to go out of their way to deny legal recognition of our marriages and to vote against treating me as an equal member of this society, all while taking my tax money to pay for services for their's just maddening. Sister Unity Divine of The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence speaks so well for so many of us that are just too damned angry to speak.

We will keep falling in love, and we will wear two-foot long eyelashes if we want to, and there's not a fucking thing that Focus on the Family or any other the other "Christian" hate groups can do about it.

* Video sampled from Emerald City Guy at My 2 Cents.